Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Death of Ivan Ilynch

In the novella "The Death of Ivan llynch"
the characters care solely about their status and wealth. The obsession to achieve wealth and status make people unable to remember life’s importances. Such qualities include integrity, kindness, and respect. In the first page of the novella family and friends gather for Ivan Ilych’s funeral, yet it is said that when the men hear of Ilynch’s death their first thought is the possibility of self promotion within the work force. Ilynch’s best friend “sacrificed his usual nap” in order to attend the funeral. Through these actions it is apparent that in this society the people are self-centered and have no worry for anyone else’s well-being. At the funeral Ilynch’s wife describes the pain she suffered in her husband’s last days, for she had to tolerate his screams and tend to his illness. She obviously had no concern for her husband in his last days and felt no sorrow once he passed on.

During Ilynch’s life it seemed he was unhappy and lived to climb the social latter. His goal in life was to fulfill his duty and his duty was considered by authority figures. During Ilynch’s childhood it seemed he had a moral compass, but his compass became skewed as society views altered his mindset. In school he felt disgusted with himself when he disobeyed, but when he saw people of good position do the same things, he felt that they were not as bad. His actions seemed to worsen as he grew older. Ilynch was well liked by everyone and said to be good natured, but he had an affair while married. Ilynch did not marry for love. Although he was in love with his wife, he chose to marry because society looked highly on their match.

In the first half of this novella, one gets the feeling that people have lost the ability to think for themselves and instead of thinking about their actions or following their hearts, they are swayed to meet society’s standards. Money and status are held in higher regard than integrity and self-respect. Everyone is in competition with one another to get ahead first and farthest. Consideration of others is ignored and the quest for self gain prevails.

372 words

1 comment:

LCC said...

KJ--you said, "Everyone is in competition with one another to get ahead first and farthest. Consideration of others is ignored and the quest for self gain prevails." Sometimes I think that's far too true of our society as well as Tolstoy's, so I wonder if we as a people are at risk for some of the things that are happening to the characters in the story.

If so, what does it take to prevent competition and selfishness from prevailing? A genuine connection to family and friends? I guess that would be my answer to the "antidote" for the disease you're describing.